No meal planning required.

Download menus containing recipes and meals for the week. Change them or create and share your own.

Medal Menu is a menu management system that takes the mystery out of weekly meal decision and preparation.

It contains collections of ready-to-download menus created by other users which contain recipes and meals that suit your taste or diet.

It provides the tools which allow you to create your own menus and share them with others.

No meal planning required - download a menu, go shopping, and get cooking!


Why Medal Menu?


When it comes to meal planning (and diet), there's a good possibility you are overloaded with information. And like many of us, you may not be comfortable (or consistent in) planning a number of meals and for an extended period of time.

Medal Menu is designed to present foods, recipes, and meals in a simple and consolidated manner - as a menu - so that you don't have to make choices from scratch. Once you have a menu, you are ready to go shopping and then get cooking.

Medal Menu offers menus to you in a few ways:

  1. Do it yourself You create an empty menu and fill it with the foods, recipes, and meals you like.
  2. Semi-socially Find and/or follow a user you trust and download (called "cloning") their menu.
  3. Starter menus Categories of menus exist with pre-defined recipes and meals. Choose one and you are ready to go.



Private Menus

Menus can be kept private so that only you make see them.

Follow Users

Follow users to keep up-to-date with their new and changed menus.

Menu Editor

Create new items, make changes, and more using the Menu Editor.

Load from Library

Put menus together faster by re-using items from your library.

Share your menu

Share your image over Twitter, Facebook, or email and allow other users to fully download it.

Starter Menus

Create new menus based off templates so that you have a starting point.