The circle of life, presented in squares

Several times a day we make decisions about what we'll eat and drink.

It is easy to chose?

Often we say to ourselves that we should pick better, or differently. Why don't we? There are many factors to consider but separate from those and most important is that we're creatures of habit and convenience. Our choices tend to gravitate to the "tried and true", which really are the foods and drinks that are most routine to us, the ones in the front of our memory. That is, unless, we're looking at a list of what's available.

Such a list exists, it's called a menu

... and Medal Menu is a system that lets you create menus so that there are simply more of the "tried and true" to pick from.

There is a little more to it though. It's nice to have a menu from which to pick things you enjoy, but how do you choose better, or differently?

You learn from others.

Medal Menu facilitates this by connecting you, the consumer, to others' menus. It's possible that they've assembled a menu you'll want to emulate or make your own.

Our goal:

At the end of the day (or the beginning, or the middle), Medal Menu has helped you to make quicker and better decisions about what to eat and drink, while learning about culinary life along the way.